Monday, June 13, 2011

Ladybug Fruit Salad

This past weekend we celebrated our daughter's 1 year birthday with a ladybug birthday party.  My husband nicknamed her "Ladybug" right after we brought her home from the hospital, so it only seemed fitting to have a ladybug birthday party.  Before I get to the ladybug fruit salad I have to show you the adorable cake we had.

And here's the smash cake; which didn't really get smashed because Ladybug just wasn't into it! 
The cake was made by Hope of Hope's Sweet Cakes.  If you're reading this in the Birmingham, AL area you can find out more about Hope's cakes at
On to the salad... When I was planning the birthday party I did a search to get ideas for food and came across this salad:

To make this fruit salad all you need is honeydew, strawberries, and mini chocolate chips.  Cut up the honeydew and lay them in a dish. Slice the strawberries in half and then poke the mini chocolate chips in to the strawberries and add them to the honeydew.

1 comment:

laura said...

This is so cute! i LOVE all your salads... even though I'm not a vegetable-eating girl, they make me want to try eating healthier! haha... this blog is awesome!

<3 Laura